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Powerful SEO Services to Help You Rank Higher in Google.

you need to show up high in Google. Our SEO services include powerful strategies to help you dominate your market over time.

SEO services should play a major part in your digital marketing strategy, no matter what type of business you run.

You’re smart, so you know how important it is to rank as high as you can in Google so you can get free traffic back to your website.

Over time, you can get so much traffic via free Google listings that you won’t have to pay for ads, and you’ll exponentially make up the money you put into SEO services. Put together a winning SEO strategy and you can completely dominate most markets if you stick it out, and the rewards will be plentiful if you treat your visitors right.

The problem is, Search Engine Optimization can be confusing and many SEO companies have a reputation for scamming businesses, for two main reasons:

Reason #1: The bad SEO companies are annoying

They call you up (or send you a crappy email) and tell you they can get you on page one in a week. (Hint – they’ll probably scam Google, which Google hates, and you’ll likely end up in the Google graveyard. R.I.P.).

If these so-called “SEO experts” were any good at their craft, they wouldn’t have to call you up out of the blue to harass you into paying for “search engine optimization” services… they’d already be at the top of search themselves, pulling in plenty of free traffic because they’ve earned real-estate at or near the top of Google.

… but they’re not. So they’re annoying you with poorly-written emails or pesky phone calls.

Don’t fall for the scammers. You’re smarter than that.

Reason #2: Web design companies don’t deliver on SEO services.

Frankly, you can’t even trust many “web design” companies that say they do SEO anymore. Now, they have to say they do SEO to keep you interested, but at the end of the day their SEO services are just – lacking.

They’re designed to crank out websites, profitably on their end. They may even pull that off really well!…

… but you need a strong SEO strategy being implemented if you want to get to the top of Google.

Watch out if you work with a web design company that says they do SEO but aren’t pushing you hard to do more SEO work for you.

They want you to feel good that they’ve provided you an SEO-friendly website, but avoid trying to get you to pay them to do the SEO grunt work that actually improves your rankings.

Think about it: search engine optimization takes time/patience, it’s hard to quantify, and it can seem hard to stay motivated, so it’s way easier for companies to move on to the next web design client instead of doing the hard work to get your rankings where you want them to get more traffic to your site.

Trust me – you are not being served well if they don’t make SEO a high priority for your long-term success.

It takes time, yes, but isn’t free traffic to your website worth it in the long run, especially if you can stop spending money on expensive ads and keep it in your wallet instead?

We think so.

That’s why SEO is at the core of our own online marketing strategy, and we invest a lot of our own resources into building a strong presence in search engines because we know it pays off.

BrandLumo SEO Services Use Powerful, Systematic Strategies to Get You Ranked Higher.

We deliver high-impact SEO services in Ohio and beyond. If we aren’t confident in your chances for search engine dominance, we won’t take you on as an SEO client.

Good news, however: most companies can do very well once we get started.

We’re actually a bit obsessive with ranking high in search, if you couldn’t tell, and we’ll bring that same energy to your project.

The SEO strategies we put into place will utilize the best practices available – proven to consistently build a search presence that starts strong and continues to gain momentum with time.

SEO Plans and Pricing

SEO Foundations

You don’t build a house without a foundation… if you want it to stay standing for any amount of time. Similarly, every SEO plan must start with a solid foundation – without exception.

What’s included:
  • Opportunity Audit & Market Research to find your SEO strengths, weaknesses, and even spy on your main competitors in search results.
  • SEO Action Plan strategically designed to bring you long-term success.

Local-Pack SEO Kickstart

Every local business needs to show up in Google Maps and the “local pack” at the top of location-based searches. This one-time project is vital to getting you noticed by Google Maps and the channels they’re pulling from to determine your ranking.

What’s included:
  • Setting up your Google My Business listing to make the search giant excited to give you preference over your competitors.
  • Optimizing other channels that send local signals to Google from your industry.

Powerhouse SEO Services

Position your company for search engine dominance. Designed to set you up to rank higher, faster, our powerhouse SEO services will pack a punch. Expect a heavy dose of high-quality content that gets noticed by Google and meets the needs of your prospects, a bunch of geeky technical things, and more (natural) referral links back to your website.



Simple SEO Services

Steady progress is important, no matter the size of your company. You will still receive a top-notch SEO strategy, even if the rollout takes longer than the Powerhouse plan.

We’ll focus on one page at a time, steadily increasing your search visibility month by month. This is definitely a long-term play, but can be very useful for small businesses in a niche or local market.



About our SEO Company

Not going to lie – we’re pretty geeky about this stuff. Andrew has been working in search engine optimization for over a decade, and for some reason gets personally invested in every project. We’re kind of fanatical about seeing search rankings climb because it honestly feels like a huge game of chess… 

… and we hate losing, especially when we have skin in the game!

We’ve seen (and experienced) the ups and downs, and only implement the strategies and tactics most likely to succeed, and stay far away from anything that Google hates.

Essentially, you’re in good hands, and we can’t wait to help you experience the thrill of ranking higher in Google – whether you’re in the Ashland, Ohio area, or anywhere in the US.

Get started with our SEO Company from Ashland, Ohio.

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SEO Services by BrandLumo help you get found online

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